Hats are considered an essential part of the school uniform to encourage sun protection. Bucket hats are also available from the office. Closed in footwear is compulsory, including when on excursions. Children are discouraged from wearing excess jewellery. In physical activities these can cause accidents.
Examples of girls’ summer uniform are on display at school. A uniform pool operates at the school and can be accessed by enquiring at the office.
The Cundletown community expects the school to insist on sensible standards of clothing, good grooming and personal cleanliness. The Department of Education requires students to conform to acceptable standards of dress. The wearing of a school uniform makes a valuable contribution towards fulfilling these expectations and requirements. In addition, uniforms foster pride in the school and assist in the development and maintenance of tone and good conduct.
It is the responsibility of the Principal of each school, in consultation with the community, to determine acceptable dress and grooming. Parents will be aware that failure to meet these general standards may prevent students from participating in excursions, sports visits and other representative events on safety grounds. This is a decision of the P&C body.
- Inter-school sport: Same as school sport shirt. Plain navy blue track pants can be worn on cold sports days over sports uniform.
- House colours are: blue- Ngamba, red- Biripi, yellow- Worimi.
Note: Ready-made uniforms are available from Lowes or the clothing pool (at a cheaper rate) as are uniform kits, containing all the necessary items.