Find out about our location and transport details to make getting to school safe and easy.
Our school is located at:
78 High Street
Cundletown NSW 2430
Eggins leaves Coopernook at approximately 8.00 am to pick up at Oxley Turn at 8.20 and students can expect to arrive at school at approximately 8.30 am. The students who travel on this bus are picked up at the school in the afternoon by 3.50 pm.
A bus leaves Hannam Vale at 7.55 am and arrives at the school at 8.30 am. This bus provides service for families living north of Coopernook. It picks up again at 3:50 pm.
Eggins bus, picks up along Lansdowne Road, Melinga, Kundle Kundle and places in between, arrives at the school about 8.36 am and departs from the school at 3.40 pm.
Eggins also picks up from Brimbin Road and Oakvale Road and arrives at the school at approximately 8.55 am. These students catch the bus in the afternoon by 3.35 pm.
Eggins also picks up from various locations in Taree and arrives at the school at approximately 8.30am. These students catch the bus in the afternoon at approximately 3:45 to deliver back to locations in Taree.
Children travelling on school buses are expected to:
- behave in a courteous, safe, responsible way when travelling on the bus;
- move to, on to, and from buses safely;
- enter and leave the school grounds sensibly, through the correct entrances and exits;
- move punctually to, and wait patiently at, bus lines whilst awaiting buses;
Safer route to school
Our school participates in the Roads and Maritime Safer Route to School Program. From time to time Roads and Maritime staff conduct surveys and do inspections to see that parents, staff and children are using best safety practices. Children should be encouraged to take the safest and shortest route to and from school.
If you have given consent to allow your child to ride his/her bike to school, please consider carefully the following school expectations.
- Children's bicycles must be roadworthy and safe to ride in traffic conditions.
- Children must have knowledge of, respect for, and follow the rules that govern the riding of bicycles on roads.
- The wearing of safety helmets is compulsory for all bicycle riders.
- Children must follow the most direct, safest route when riding to and from school.
- Children must 'walk' their bicycles when entering, leaving and within the school grounds.
- Children should leave bicycles in the area set aside for parking in an organized, safe way.
- Children riding west along High Street should walk their bicycles to the crossing before riding home.
- Children should be responsible and old enough to ride.
- While children have permission to park their bicycles on school property, it should be noted that they need to be responsible for their own security.
- Children who choose to ride on footpaths MUST give way to pedestrians at all times.
Getting to and from school safely
As a parent or carer, it’s your responsibility to get your child to and from school safely. Student safety is our priority.
Keep our school community safe by:
- driving and parking safely, even if it means parking further away and walking the rest of the way to school
- being a good role model
- never calling your child from across the road
- using the safest place to cross the road.
For parents and carers of younger children
Discuss with your child how to be safe when:
- walking
- in the car
- waiting for, travelling on, and getting off the bus
- riding bikes, scooters and skateboards.
Also talk about and practise:
- safe travel routes
- plans for when unexpected things happen
- what to do in wet weather.
Subsidised school travel
Transport for NSW provides subsidies to assist school students.
- The School Student Transport Scheme provides eligible students with free or subsidised travel on public transport between home and school.
- The School Drive Subsidy may help towards the costs of driving children to school if you live in an area where there is no public transport.